4 Time-Tested Ways to Jumpstart Your Self-Belief

How often do you feel like you’re standing still?

Did you know your success, accomplishments, the realization of all your goals are tied up in one simple thing? Your self-belief impacts your life on every level. When you don’t feel like you’re capable, when you think you’re not able to realize your goals, this is where you stall out. You stop trying. Things quit happening in your life.

Think about it for a moment. How much of your failure in life can be laid at your own door, under the guise of negative self-talk, procrastination, and self-defeating behaviors?

Thankfully it doesn’t have to be this way. In fact, before you start beating yourself up to all over again, you might want to try these four time-tested ways to jumpstart your self-belief.

Examine Your Goals

Are you dreaming big enough? When you’re bold and set great big incredible goals, you think you’ll rise to the occasion to meet them. The problem? While you might have some initial success as a result of initial enthusiasm, it’s easy to burn out. The trick is to think big enough, instead of just big. What goal pushes you out of your comfort zone while staying within the realm of reality? Set your sights there first. You can always create a bigger goal once you’ve reached this point.

How does this help self-belief? The feeling of achievement when you get there will give you a positive boost.

Notice What You’ve Done

What have you already accomplished? Too often we forget the things we do right and instead focus on the things we’re doing wrong. By becoming more aware of our accomplishments, we remind ourselves we’re capable of quite a bit already.

Keep Your Eyes on Your Own Work

In school, we’re taught to focus on what we’re doing, instead of watching what someone else is up to. The problem is we forget this simple rule as we grow older. Comparisons start robbing us of our own accomplishments. We start seeing what we’re not doing more than what we are. To fix this, remind yourself of the things you’ve done in your life, instead of focusing so much on what someone else has done.

Accept Growth

You already know continued education is good for you, but learning by itself isn’t necessarily going to make you feel better about yourself. Being aware of the areas where you’re growing is where you give yourself a positive boost. Constantly re-examine where you are and mark how you’ve developed and changed.

So much of self-belief is tied up in being aware of the good things you do. This is why it’s so important always to be cognizant of your accomplishments and intentional in your actions. By following these tips, you’ll soon see you’re not standing still at all. In fact, you’re accomplishing quite a bit, and feeling better about yourself to boot.

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